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The Mental Notes


Volume III                                                                                                                            March 2023


Growing Up

By Ruby C.

Growing Up

In the shadows of youthful fears,

Where anxiety danced, taunting my years,

I stood trembling, a fragile soul,

In the depths of a world I couldn't control.

A teenager's heart, a captive to worry,

Every step fraught, every day a flurry,

Doubts echoed loud, like thundering drums,

A symphony of fears, deafening and hums.

Invisible chains bound tightly, I fought,

A mind ensnared, in anxious thoughts caught,

But time, a sculptor, chiseled away,

Etching wisdom, molding me, day by day.

As years unfolded, petals unfurled,

A metamorphosis, my spirit uncurled,

The cacophony of angst, slowly waned,

Replaced by strength, a self newly gained.

Once trembling limbs grew steady and bold,

No longer slave to fears that had controlled,

In each challenge faced, resilience did grow,

Like a phoenix rising, from ashes below.

And as I ventured beyond the insecure, teenage veil,

My heart whispered softly, "You shall prevail."

For anxiety, once a ruler supreme,

Became only a chapter, a forgotten dream.

Now I soar on wings of newfound grace,

Embracing life's tapestry, a vibrant embrace,

In the tapestry, threads of worry still trace,

But woven with courage, and strength to face.

For growing out of anxiety,

Is not erasing, nor denying its reality,

But rather a journey of self-discovery,

Where scars and struggles blend into unity.

So I celebrate this growth profound,

With every step, on solid ground,

For anxiety's grip, I've learned to sever,

A testament to the strength within, forever.

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